Physically handicapped, disabled or chronically ill children
Non-profit organizations for deaf children or children with hearing impairment, blind children, obese, cancer-sick children, etc.

Dobrý skutek

“The project Charitky was recommended to us. Interesting was that there were two independent recommendations within a week interval. I was excited of the idea of the connection of charity, benefits and nearly any business message on the wrapping of extraordinary sweets- Charitky. We accepted the offer for cooperation without hesitation. ...

A foundation Archa Chantal

Another organisation joining the Charitky project is Archa Chantal. The foundation Archa Chantal was established on 11 June 1993 on an initiative of Mrs. Chantal Poullain-Polívková, a charismatic French actress, who has been living in our country for many years. The philosophy of Archa Chantal is humanization of children’s healthcare ...

Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam

A complex approach to professional social, consulting, educational and information services for families with children with hearing impairment.

Klub Hornomlýnská

Our Motto: A child with disabilities? You will manage it fine with us! A satisfied child and parents and their happier life are our goal.

A foundation fund Kapka naděje

A foundation fund Kapka naděje is another organisation involved in the Charitky project. The support through Charitky always aims directly at a particular project for ill children. The intention is to alleviate an extraordinary life situation of children who suffer from hematologic disorders, cancer diseases or a condition treated ...