Stories of happy children
New real stories of children whom Charitky helped and supported in development gradually appear here.
Certainly, you will be glad to enthusiastically read about how children's eyes started to sparkle and a smile came across their faces because of the fulfilment of their desires. You will see how it is sometimes really easy to make children happier and more satisfied!
You just have to try it.

A contribution to 3 children

Ondra, Monička and Honzík will split between themselves an amount of CZK 15,000 by which they will be supported by Charitky through a non-profit organisation Hornomlýnská thanks to companies TOTAL and AS 24.

Successful children in a project Talent La Sophia – a category Football

The second group of children who will receive a contribution from Charitky are boys and a girl devoting themselves to football.

Children successful in the project Talent La Sophia

Barborka, Silvie, David, Zbyněk, Karolína and Štefan are children who succeeded in the project Talent La Sophia in the category of music and singing. Thanks to the company RWE Charitky can donate an amount of CZK 11,540 to study and development of their abilities at art schools and conservatoires.

Support for Honzík, Evička, Maksym and Kevin

Four children from Klokákek in Hostivice will receive a contribution to their interests and hobbies.

Help for Viktorie and Dan

The cooperation of Charitky and a company ROSSMANN brought through a Nadace Naše dítě (Our Child Foundation) a contribution for Viktorie and Dan.

Support for Jakub to his beginnings after leaving an orphanage

Charitky thanks to a company KOFOLA supported Jakub by an amount of CZK 3,780.

A contribution to Denis for socio-therapeutic program

Thirteen-year-old Denis is exceptionally intellectually gifted boy, though socially disadvantaged and with social handicap.

Charitky and MORIS design provided a contribution for Stella

Stella is a four years old girl, born with bilateral severe hearing impairment which is combined with other developmental disorders. Currently she attends a special nursery school for the hearing impaired.

We have contributed to hippotherapy for Linda

Repeating cooperation between Charitky and RWE again brought financial resources dedicated to help for children. March 13, 2014 a symbolic cheque was handed over to Our Child Foundation that will the amount of CZK 11,760 gained from Charitky dedicate to Linda. The cheque was received by Zuzana Baudyšová, the director of Our Child ...

Contribution for children from an orphanage to a ticket to adulthood

Their childhood is not as carefree as it should be. In a few years they will be officially adults, leave their orphanage and will have to stand their ground in independent adult life. Unfortunately, without help from relatives and without a functional family background. Thanks to the financial contribution from Charitky, hopefully ...

Further support for Nisanur

Little Nisanur was thanks to a Charitky project also supported by a company HOTEL TIME. Charitky through the public benefit corporation Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam, o.p.s. contributed CZK 1,680 to Nisanur for a personal assistant to kindergarten.

A good dead for Davídek

Charitky by virtue of Česká spořitelna contributed to the treatment and rehabilitation of four-year-old Davídek who fights with consequences of cerebral palsy. A financial contribution was handed over through an association Dobrý skutek.

Charitky handed out Christmas presents in Kolín’s hospital

Charitky together with Nadace Archa Chantal (Archa Chantal Foundation) and ING Životní pojišťovna in advance pleased all children hospitalized in Kolín’s hospital. Many Christmas presents waited for them underneath a real tree decorated by non-traditional Charitky’s ornaments. A cheque for 28 728 CZK was handed over to Tereza ...

Helenka will also thanks to Charitky visit her friends

At the beginning of December it was held in the premises of ING Životná poisťovňa a handover of symbolic cheque for 820 EUR that personally received nine year old Helenka from hands of Miriam Janyšková and Dušan Quise, a general director of ING Životná poisťovňa.

Charitky and Active 24 donated to little Nisanur for a personal assistant

A cooperation between Active 24 and Charitky brought through Federace sluchově postižených (The Federation of the Hearing-Impaired) 2 700 CZK to a little girl Nisanur for a personal assistant.

Extra hours of care for Monička

In summer, Monička celebrated her 6th birthday and it is the 4th year since she has started to attend a respite service of Klub Hornomlýnská in Centrum Filipovka. By virtue of Charitky and a company MORIS design and their contribution of 3 538 CZK Monika will be able to attend full 40 hours of the respite service in addition.

We support talented singer Zuzka

Project Charitky in cooperation with a company Total donated 6.000 CZK to Zuzka. This amount of money will be deposit in a bank account of the project “Podporuj mě...” with Zuzka’s variable number and it will be withdrawn when she leaves her orphanage. The guarantor of an efficient use of the saved funds is a civic association ...

A donation for Ruda for the development of his musical talent

Ruda is 18 years old and he has been living in an orphanage for a long time. He is reliable, modest and thoughtful. He has a great musical talent that he didn’t start to develop until he came to the orphanage. He plays guitar, mandolin and banjo. In May 2013 he took musical talent tests in ZUŠ Krnov, he would like to learn to ...

A contribution for Kubík from Charitky and Generali

Charitky in cooperation with Generali Pojišťovna gained a contribution of 22.795 CZK for a rehabilitation stay for four-year-old Kubík.

A donation for Michaela participating in Scholarship program

A company ACNielsen Czech Republic, s.r.o. donated through Charitky 3 000 CZK to Michaela, a girl who participates in the Scholarship program of a non-profit organisation Dejme dětem šanci.

A support for children from orphanages on their road to adulthood

Their childhood is not as worry-free as it is supposed to be and all of a sudden it ends. Although formally they are adults, they are still children. According to law, the highest amount that they can obtain for their start is 15.000 CZK. They don’t have anything, they don’t know any example of a functional household, they don’t ...

Please, read Jirka's letter

Cooperation between Charitky and a travel agency Periscope Skandinávie raised 14.350 CZK. The whole amount was sent on a bank account of Jirka, a boy who is in a programme called "Podporuj mě..." This programme is under the guarantee of a CSO dejme dětem šanci.

Good Deed for Tadeáš with a contribution from Charitky

Charitky and a company AC Nielsen continued their earlier cooperation and another donation went to the civic society organization ‘Dobrý skutek’(‘Good Deed’), particularly into a bank account of Tadeáš Zich.

A story about Johanka, new shoes and hope

All parents look forward to the day their child takes its first steps, says first words, dances and runs around happily... As well as a mother of Johanka, today eight-year old girl, did. This image disappeared when she heard from the doctors a horrible information: "Your daughter suffers from cerebral palsy."

Charitky ensured a support for other children

Four children from a program 'Podporuj mě...' ('Support me...') received thanks to the Charitky project and RWE Company a donation into their bank accounts.

Charitky sent children from Plaváček a wind in sails

We were truly pleased to receive a thank-you letter from a non-profit organisation ‘Plaváček’ (you could find its whole version in Czech at the end of this article) This year, Charitky thanks to RWE Company and Inner Winner Institute donated to a number of talented childen included in a project of the non-profit organisation ...

Thanks to Project Charitky Roman will have got an easier beginning of independent life

Family and its friendly environment are the most valuable treasures we can give our children. Most of the parents try their best to create for their children such a background in which they can develop and be happy. Parents’ aim is to ensure their kids grow up in peace and surrounded by their relatives, who would always help ...

Charitky project responded on Eva’s request for help

Eva doesn’t have the good fortune to live and grow in a happy and prosperous family, because she is one of the children who were for different reasons placed in an orphanage. Eva is in the orphanage with her siblings. She is the eldest and that`s why she is used to take care of her younger siblings. In this case, she is really ...

Charitky helped Daniel to integrate in daily life

Every mother loves her child. First of all, she prepares for the delivery. Once the baby is born, every day is unique for her. She observes really closely how her little one grows, how it developes, every smile carresses her deeply. A similar story also experienced a mother of little Daniel. Daniel was born absolutely healthy. ...

Charitky helped Bára - she is one step closer to a happier life

Bára is 11 years old and she didn’t heard her mother‘s voice until recently, as same as she wasn’t able to hear a flute, which she plays now. When she was 11, she obtained a hearing aid. Today, it is difficult to exactly say what went wrong and led to the impairment. Bára is a very clever girl, when she didn’t hear, she ...