
A magazine DIALOG writes about Charitky

On the first pages of this year’s first issue of a magazine DIALOG - the magazine for employees and friends of ROSSMANN, are presented moments that were for the company ROSSMANN interesting in the year 2014. One of these moments is also acquiring Charitky in 3 different design variants.

A contribution to Ondra to a personal assistant and to little Monička and Honzík to a respite service

Companies TOTAL and AS 24 together joined a project Charitky. Thanks to them Charitky can donate CZK 15,000 to a non-profit organisation Hornomlýnská.

Successful children in a project Talent La Sophia – a category Football

The second group of children who will receive a contribution from Charitky are boys and a girl devoting themselves to football.

Children successful in the project Talent La Sophia

Barborka, Silvie, David, Zbyněk, Karolína and Štefan are children who succeeded in the project Talent La Sophia in the category of music and singing. Thanks to the company RWE Charitky can donate an amount of CZK 11,540 to study and development of their abilities at art schools and conservatoires.

Brands & Stories again writes about Charitky

The information about a handover of symbolic cheque to Klokánek (FOD) at a conference of Mary Kay’s independent consultants was published in this year‘s first edition of the magazine Brand&Stories.

Invitation to a conference Corporate Health Day

Please accept our invitation to the conference Corporate Health Day organised by an inspirational company Human Garden. It will be held on April 16, 2015 at The Augustine Prague. Our cooperative non-profit organisation Quiido, an endowment fund, will give its presentation. The raised money from ticket sales and through sponsors will ...

Support for Honzík, Evička, Maksym and Kevin

Thanks to Charitky siblings Honzík and Evička and their friends Maksym and Kevin will be able to devote themselves to their likings for football, sport games, boxing, English and arts.

Help for Viktorie and Dan

The cooperation of Charitky and a company ROSSMANN brought through a Nadace Naše dítě (Our Child Foundation) a contribution for Viktorie and Dan.

Support for the education of intellectually gifted children through Qiido

Quiido is a patron of gifted pupils.

A contribution for children from Klokánek

Four children from Klokákek in Hostivice will receive a contribution to their interests and hobbies. Thanks to Charitky siblings Honzík and Evička and their friends Maksym and Kevin will be able to devote themselves to their likings for football, sport games, boxing, English and arts.

Companies’ charitable programs before Christmas

An article published on a website of a newspaper Hospodářské noviny on December 24, 2014 shows how leading companies supported disabled and socially disadvantaged children during this year’s Christmas. Activities of mentioned companies prove that the purchase of Christmas necessities that every company makes in the autumn for ...

Support for Jakub to his beginnings after leaving an orphanage

Charitky thanks to a company KOFOLA supported Jakub by an amount of CZK 3,780.

We introduce a new Charitky’s partner

Newly, a company AS24, a subsidiary of TOTAL CZECH REPUBLIC, joined Charitky. This supplier of oils and fuels is a part of the fifth largest oil company in the world.

A handover of a symbolic cheque for Viktorie and Dan

On January 7, 2015 was at the headquarters of the Our Child Foundation with the participation of Charitky and a company ROSSMANN handed over a symbolic cheque for CZK 10.130 to Viktorie and Dan.

Kofola – a new partner of Charitky

Newly, also a company Kofola decided to use Charitky. The famous traditional Czech company commissioned a beautiful Christmas Charitky with almost golden little pig ☺

Charitky as a Buřinky’s New Year Card 2015

Stavební spořitelna of Česká spořitelna – Buřinka this year is going to hand over original New Year Cards in the form of Charitky.

ROSSMANN utilized Charitky in tree ways

A company ROSSMANN will this year newly hand out Charitky to its clients and partners. Tree beautiful variations of the promotional product were newly purchased by the company ROSMANN dealing with drugstore products.

Charitky at a Gala concert Talent LaSophia

At a festive gala concert Talent LaSophia that was held on 20 October 2014 in Congress Hall of the hotel Ambassador Zlatá husa, Mrs. Miriam Janyšková on behalf of Charitky handed over a symbolic cheque in the amount of CZK 23.040 to Mrs. Yvetta Blanarovičová, the founder of La Sophia o.p.s.

RWE was again involved in the program Charitky

The company RWE CZ on its new Charitky promotes customer benefits that are for the whole family. It offers bonuses to its products and also credit for RWE Mobile. RWE constantly rewards both its existing and new customers to whom it provides gas and electricity.

Fond ohrožených dětí – a new partner non-profit organisation

One of the most important non-profit organisations newly joined Charitky - Fond ohrožených dětí (The Fund of Endangered Children) with its project Klokánek (The Kangaroo).

Buřinka for the second time supports Charitky program

Stavební spořitelna of Česká spořitelna – Buřinka again uses Charitky as its promotional item. Due to this, it was possible to support Denis by an amount of CZK 3,600, which will helps him in the payment of school supplies.

A new non-profit organisation joining Charitky

La Sophia is a public benefit company that more than 8 years on different levels devotes to charitable activities aimed at helping abandoned children. La Sophia focuses on future of these children rather than on a momentary help.

Does intelligence harm? The price of high IQ

On September 29, 2014 an article on a website Ž was published on the topic ‘Does children’s above average intelligence harm them?’ The author focuses in her article on different kinds of intelligence and also on whether this higher intelligence is beneficial or harmful to children. On this topic also the founder of Charitky ...

Charitky introduces a new form of socially responsible communication

Charitky on September presented a novelty within the scope of socially responsible communication. The current form of advertising item was extended to include an original instrument of internal communication of corporate values. In this new form are strengthen both moral values of employees and children supported by Charitky.

Extraordinary intelligence? For a child it is often rather a handicap

Mrs. Zuzana Hronová in her article published on September 22 in a magazine Magazín Aktuálně.cz highlights advantages and disadvantages of high intelligence in children. The exceptional cleverness of a child does not have to necessarily mean a direct route to success, but it could also mean a lack of society’s understanding ...
A contribution from Charitky will help Jurko

On September 24, 2014 in Bratislava a symbolic cheque was handed over to Children of Slovakia Foundation that by The Children’s Hour Grant program together with an organisation of the visually impaired in Levoča help three and half year old Jurko, who has a mitochondrial disorder and the resulting vision problem.

Support for the education of pupils in schools!

On 18th September Charitky together with a company ING Životní pojišťovna handed over a symbolic cheque to Mrs. Vladimíra Bendová for a project Mentoring začínajících učitelů (Mentoring beginning teachers).

TOP 5 companies loyal to Charitky

A promotional program Charitky has been already running for 3 years. There are companies that participate in it every year by purchasing a promotional item Charitky. The social responsibility is in fact written in their DNA.

A charity project by the company Mary Kay

Charitky as an original means of communication of social responsibility will present on its boxes news of a penguin MiKi. The penguin MiKi is a patron of the charitable activities of the company Mary Kay and he represents a symbol of hope and good deeds. We invite you to a press conference, where penguin Miki’s news and a connection ...

Again it was written about us

A promotional item Charitky and its idea of ‘giving forward…’ again spread in awareness.

iDnes: Business and help can go together, even if it is hard work

‘Social enterprises facilitate entry into employment to people, who are in some way socially disadvantaged. For example to ethnic minorities, those who returned from prison, but especially to people with disabilities,’ says an article from a server, which was published at the beginning of August 2014.

A contribution to Denis for socio-therapeutic program

Thirteen-year-old Denis is exceptionally intellectually gifted boy, though socially disadvantaged and with social handicap.

A company K+K Hotels has recently joined Charitky

The K+K Hotels Group was founded in 1961 by brothers Josef and Helmut Koller. It is one of Austria’s leading hotel enterprises, operating elegant, first-class hotels in some of Europe’s most beautiful and interesting cities (London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Bucharest and restaurant in Salzburg).

The Curie Foundation

The function of The Curie Foundation is to collect money or in-kind benefits from entities related to the Grammar School nám. Curieových who put their hands up for the idea of general support for the development of the school, its pupils and teachers.

The Healthy Companies Memorandum

Ing. Miriam Janyšková, MBA, CEO of a company BiiGood s.r.o. and a founder of a program Charitky, in June signed The Healthy Companies Memorandum.

Charitky again, this time in Lidové noviny!

An article about social responsibility was published on Friday June 26 even in Lidové noviny. Social responsibility is an important part of the strategy of many companies.

Charitky in MF Dnes

Social responsibility and social entrepreneurship were one of the main themes in one of the sections of MF Dnes on June 24.

A new partner among Charitky

Among the new partners of Charitky has recently joined a creative studio LaceUp, engaged in all forms of communication. Charitky could thanks to LaceUp support children from an elementary school Bolevecká in Plzeň and from an integration kindergarten Smíšek in Prague both participating in a project of Association of Social Responsibility ...

Benefit evening DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI

May 28, 2014 in Divadlo Palace was a charity evening held as a celebration of the third anniversary of establishing the organisation DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI. Charitky as one of the contributors and partners of DDŠ was of course present.

Charitky in Czech Radio

We thank Czech Radio Dvojka for professional processing of report about second anniversary of Charitky. During the session observations from the press conference, opinions of supported children, a director of an orphanage Unhošť and non-profit organisations were heard. We really appreciate such support, because it helps Charitky ...

The Association of Social Responsibility ‘Project The Responsible School’

An innovative project of The Association of Social Responsibility A-CSR teaches schools a complex view on social responsibility.

Charitky again on television – in main news on CT

TV news report broadcasted on Sunday, April 27, 2014 on Události ČT

The second year of successful operation of Charitky

April 23, 2014 a press conference for the second anniversary of the establishment of Charitky was held. Charitky introduced great changes that occurred during the second year – a packaging change, the participation of people with disabilities in the assembly of this promotional item and rising of the contribution on 12% from the ...

A look back at a conference on social entrepreneurship

The two-day conference on a title “Sociální podnikání aneb podnikáme jinak” (“Social business or we do business differently”) that was held by P3 – People, Planet, Profit, o.p.s., provided on April 2 and 3 to two hundred participants room for exchange their experiences and discuss new trends in this area. Social entrepreneurship ...

Charitky and MORIS design provided a contribution for Stella

Stella is a four years old girl, born with bilateral severe hearing impairment which is combined with other developmental disorders. Currently she attends a special nursery school for the hearing impaired.

Social business or we carry business differently

We are inviting you to a conference on a theme social business, which is being held on 2 and 3 April 2014 in Prague’s National Library of Technology.

We have contributed to hippotherapy for Linda

Repeating cooperation between Charitky and RWE again brought financial resources dedicated to help for children. March 13, 2014 a symbolic cheque was handed over to Our Child Foundation that will the amount of CZK 11,760 gained from Charitky dedicate to Linda. The cheque was received by Zuzana Baudyšová, the director of Our Child ...

Charitky is a new member of the Association of Social Responsibility

Charitky has become one of the 37 members of this important organisation, which has since 2009 engaged in corporate social responsibility and brought news from the world of responsible business and sustainability. Association of Social Responsibility connects responsible companies, public administration, non-profit sector, social ...

Contribution for children from an orphanage to a ticket to adulthood

Their childhood is not as carefree as it should be. In a few years they will be officially adults, leave their orphanage and will have to stand their ground in independent adult life. Unfortunately, without help from relatives and without a functional family background. Thanks to the financial contribution from Charitky, hopefully ...

Our Child Foundation in a Charitky project

Our Child Foundation is an important concept in helping tortured, abused and in other ways threatened children. It was established in 1993 and for almost 20 years it has been associated with a name of its founder Mrs. Zuzana Baudyšová and then with a project Safety Line.

A good dead for Davídek

Charitky by virtue of Česká spořitelna contributed to the treatment and rehabilitation of four-year-old Davídek who fights with consequences of cerebral palsy. A financial contribution was handed over through an association Dobrý skutek.

We welcome a new partner: Česká spořitelna with a program Diversitas

A financial group of Česká spořitelna is with its number of over 5.3 million clients the largest bank in the market. This size is logically followed also by responsibility that it feels towards the society in which it operates. Since the beginning, it has been actively involving in public life and a development of the society. ...

Charitky and HOTEL TIME together supported Centrum pro dětský sluch

Numbers of our partners were currently extended by HOTEL TIME, a.s. The cooperation brought a contribution for Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam (The Centre for children hearing Tamtam), specifically for little Nisanur, we wrote about her in the previous post.

The year 2013 brought support for other children

In the past year, we managed to support other 160 children thanks to cooperation with our partners from large and small companies and non-profit organisations. Exactly so many ill, socially disadvantaged or otherwise disabled children divided between themselves the total amount of 231 474 CZK was raised by virtue of a socially responsible ...

RWE again supports children through Charitky

RWE company decided to use for a communication of its long-term project ‘Energie českého lyžování’ (‘The Energy of Czech Skiing’) an original promotional item Charitky. RWE supported not only Czech sport but through Charitky also children.

T-Mobile is a socially responsible company

T-Mobile again joined the Charitky project and exemplary connected promotion of their products and services with social responsibility. In December, a campaign "Podporujeme dobré věci" (‘We are supporting good things’) was held, it also actively supported in addition to Charitky an endowment fund DOBRÝ ANDĚL, a help for ...

Charitky handed out Christmas presents in Kolín’s hospital

Charitky together with Nadace Archa Chantal (Archa Chantal Foundation) and ING Životní pojišťovna in advance pleased all children hospitalized in Kolín’s hospital. Many Christmas presents waited for them underneath a real tree decorated by non-traditional Charitky’s ornaments. A cheque for 28 728 CZK was handed over to Tereza ...

Helenka will also thanks to Charitky visit her friends

At the beginning of December it was held in the premises of ING Životná poisťovňa a handover of symbolic cheque for 820 EUR that personally received nine year old Helenka from hands of Miriam Janyšková and Dušan Quise, a general director of ING Životná poisťovňa.

Children of Slovakia Foundation joined the project Charitky

The Children of Slovakia Foundation is one of the largest non-governmental non-profit organisations operating across Slovakia focusing on helping children and young adults who find themselves in various life situations. The foundation together with partners help them, support their broad development, strengthen the participation ...

Charitky and Active 24 donated to little Nisanur for a personal assistant

A cooperation between Active 24 and Charitky brought through Federace sluchově postižených (The Federation of the Hearing-Impaired) 2 700 CZK to a little girl Nisanur for a personal assistant.

ING Pojišťovna joined other Charitky's partners

It was ING (ING Životní pojišťovna N.V., Czech Republic branch, at the time, Nationale-Nederlanden) that in 1991 was the first foreign company to receive a license to conclude insurance contracts in the Czech Republic after the fall of communism. ING specializes in life insurance and today is among the top providers of this product ...

Extra hours of care for Monička

In summer, Monička celebrated her 6th birthday and it is the 4th year since she has started to attend a respite service of Klub Hornomlýnská in Centrum Filipovka. By virtue of Charitky and a company MORIS design and their contribution of 3 538 CZK Monika will be able to attend full 40 hours of the respite service in addition.

Active 24 supports the principle of Charitky

A very important provider in the field of Internet services widened the list of cooperating companies. Newly, a company Active 24 will join the project Charitky.

Santé Institut guarantees a handmade production of Charitky by people with disabilities

The handmade production of Charitky by people with disabilities is newly guaranteed by a company Santé Institut. Santé Institut s.r.o. together with presenting new telescopic packaging guarantees their handmade production by people with disabilities, i.e. with a possibility of application of a mode of a facultative compensation. ...

Charitky and Volkwagen again donated to Linka bezpečí

In the area of Bohnice’s park, where Safety Line (Linka bezpečí) has its premises, a symbolic cheque for 32 850 CZK was handed over. From the hands of Jan Čermák representing Volkswagen and Miriam Janyšková, a director of Charitky, it was given to Richard Schinko, a diector of Linka bezpečí.

We support talented singer Zuzka

Project Charitky in cooperation with a company Total donated 6.000 CZK to Zuzka. This amount of money will be deposit in a bank account of the project “Podporuj mě...” with Zuzka’s variable number and it will be withdrawn when she leaves her orphanage. The guarantor of an efficient use of the saved funds is a civic association ...

A donation for Ruda for the development of his musical talent

Ruda is 18 years old and he has been living in an orphanage for a long time. He is reliable, modest and thoughtful. He has a great musical talent that he didn’t start to develop until he came to the orphanage. He plays guitar, mandolin and banjo. In May 2013 he took musical talent tests in ZUŠ Krnov, he would like to learn to ...

Charitky in a new packaging gives work to people with disabilities

Charitky introduced on September a new packaging. An original, telescopic box with endless promotional space supports local social and business economics. One of significant innovations presented is the involvement of people with disabilities during the manual production.

A contribution for Kubík from Charitky and Generali

Charitky in cooperation with Generali Pojišťovna gained a contribution of 22.795 CZK for a rehabilitation stay for four-year-old Kubík. A cheque was handed over on the 11th of September during an annual evening of a non-profit organisation Dobrý skutek witch was held at Letenský zámeček. On the photo from the left: Miriam ...

A pharmaceutical wholesaler Phoenix shares the Charitky’s message

One of the most important pharmaceutical wholesalers in the Czech Republic joined companies supporting the project Charitky.

An acknowledgment from a hospice Plamienok

Veronika Trulíková, a project manager of a hospice Plamienok, sent us an acknowledgment for arranging a support for running their institution and a video.

Charitky Project addressed a company MORIS design

MORIS design is a leading manufacturer of POP and POS displays in the Czech Republic and the largest Prague firm in this branch.

Charitky arranged a support for Nadace Archa Chantal

Charitky together with the RWE company again contributed to an improvement of children's hospital departments.

A donation for a non-profit organisation Úsmev ako dar

A company ACNielsen Slovakia through Charitky contributed EUR 173 to Společnost přátel dětí z dětských domovů (SPDDD Usmev ako dar, The Society of Friends of Children from Children's Homes Smile as a gift).

Charitky in the British Chamber of Commerce

The company BiiGood, s.r.o., under which the project Charitky operates, became a member of the British Chamber of Commerce. The information about the new membership was mentioned in a newsletter addressed to all members of the BCC.

A donation for Michaela participating in Scholarship program

A company ACNielsen Czech Republic, s.r.o. donated through Charitky 3 000 CZK to Michaela, a girl who participates in the Scholarship program of a non-profit organisation Dejme dětem šanci.

Charitky provided a donation to a hospice operation

Another concrete financial contribution to support children has originated thanks to cooperation between Charitky and a holistic centre XOXO.

Complex services for hearing-impaired children

A new association has extended the number of subjects cooperating with Charitky. Federace rodičů a přátel sluchově postižených, o.s. (Federation of parents and friends of hearing-impaireds) provides a complex of professional social, consulting, educational and information services for families with hearing-impaired children. ...

Slovak holistic centre supports Charitky

Xoxo BODY & MIND, the 1 Under one roof it provides hair, hands, feet and whole-body skin care, facial skin care including dermal fillers, professional consultations focused on personal style or appearance transformation services.

Already second non-profit organisation from Slovakia will cooperate with Charitky

Společnost přátel dětí z dětských domovů (SPDDD Usmev ako dar, The Society of Friends of Children from Children's Homes Smile as a gift) has a simple and concise motto: “…so that every child has its family”.

Generali pojišťovna is joining the Charitky Project

One of the strongest players on insurance market has become a new important partner of our project of socially responsible promotion.

Club Hornomlýnská cooperates with Charitky

Our Motto: A child with disabilities? You will manage it fine with us! A satisfied child and parents and their happier life are our goal.

The Harmonie Foundation joined the project Charitky

The Harmonie Foundation, member of Sistema Europe, implements the extraordinary social and musical project El Sistema in the Czech Republic, the mission of which is to bring positive change to children´s lives.

Charitky in TV Barrandov

16th of April 2013, the Charitky project was introduced in Main news on TV Barrandov. A very interesting coverage during the main broadcast time provides an opportunity to formulate problems of helping adolescent inhabitants of orphanages and supporting talented children, who don’t have any possibilities to develop their abilities. ...

BBC Radio interviewed the director of Charitky

On Tuesday 16th of March 2013 in the morning, the director of the project Charitky, Ing. Miriam Janyšková, appeared in the Czech section of BBC Radio.

Charitky celebrates its birthday!

Today, 12th April 2013, we are celebrating the first birthday of the project Charitky. During the short period of our existence we have already handed over 206 556 CZK!

A support for children from orphanages on their road to adulthood

Their childhood is not as worry-free as it is supposed to be and all of a sudden it ends. Although formally they are adults, they are still children. According to law, the highest amount that they can obtain for their start is 15.000 CZK. They don’t have anything, they don’t know any example of a functional household, they don’t ...

Periscope and Charitky handed over a cheque to support Jirka

Recently, we all had a pleasant opportunity to read a personal letter from Jirka, who nicely expressed his joy of money brought by cooperation between Charitky and a travel agency Periscope Skandinávie.

A foundation Archa Chantal changes hospitals to a magic world

Another organisation joining the Charitky project is Archa Chantal. The foundation Archa Chantal was established on 11 June 1993 on an initiative of Mrs. Chantal Poullain-Polívková, a charismatic French actress, who has been living in our country for many years. The philosophy of Archa Chantal is humanization of children’s healthcare ...

Please, read Jirka's letter

Cooperation between Charitky and a travel agency Periscope Skandinávie raised 14.350 CZK. The whole amount was sent on a bank account of Jirka, a boy who is in a programme called "Podporuj mě..." This programme is under the guarantee of a CSO dejme dětem šanci.

A handover of a cheque to an endowment fund Plaváček as a support for talented children

A Symbolic handover of a cheque is always a pleasant ending after particular projects carried out by Charitky. Thanks to T-Mobile we were able to donate 37.400 CZK to the foundation Plaváček.

The connection of Charitky and T-Mobile bears fruit

It was more than a pleasant duty to hand over a cheque to the civil society organisation “Dejme dětem šanci”, which is a guarantee of the programme of financial support for children from orphanages called “Podporuj mě...” The total amount of raisd money will be available for children when they leave an orphanage and begin ...

A significant development of cooperation between Charitky and DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI o.s. in the year 2012

To December 31, 2012, 11 children from a project “Podporuj mě...” (“Support me…”) were already donated by 59.220 CZK thanks to Charitky. This is not an inconsiderable amount, since the total money gained for this project is 257.520 CZK.

Charitky together with Buřinka donated to Kapka Naděje

Cooperation with Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s., a bank with a known logo of red bowler hat (“Buřinka” in Czech), earned a financial support for the Foundation Fund Kapka naděje.

A donation for a hospice Plamienok from Charitky and ACNielsen Slovakia

The usage of promoting items also gained a financial support for a Slovak non-profit organisation Plamienok. Thanks to the cooperation between Charitky and AC Nielsen Slovakia it was donated 130 € to a hospice for terminally ill children.
A project “Linka bezpečí ve vaší třídě” for 77 children

A simple calculation from a total cost of the project "Linka bezpečí ve vaší třídě" ("Safety Line in your class") and a number of addressed children shows that the contribution from VW and Charitky represents help and enlightenment for 77 children.

We help children with their start of an independent life

Other children involved in a programme “Podporuj mě” ensured by the organization Dejme dětem šanci gained a contribution for a better beginning of an independent adult life out of an orphanage.

How do you like a number 187 860?

Just the same amount of money Charitky gained in 2012 thanks to the cooperation with partners from local and international corporations.

Charitky and T-Mobile supported talented children from Plaváček

Charitky celebrates a success of financial support for needy children. This time, we together with T-Mobile gave support to talented children from a programme “Vítr do plachet” of a fundraising fund Plaváček.

We help children from a programme Podporuj mě

Charitky and T-Mobile donated 37,400 CZK on accounts of other children from the programme “Podporuj mě” (“Support me”).

Good Deed for Tadeáš with a contribution from Charitky

Charitky and a company AC Nielsen continued their earlier cooperation and another donation went to the civic society organization ‘Dobrý skutek’(‘Good Deed’), particularly into a bank account of Tadeáš Zich.

We welcome T-Mobile to those who give forward

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s., a number one mobile operator in the Czech mobile market, joined other companies that decided to use Charitky for their promotion and thus to support the children’s development.

Charitky and Volkswagen again joined their forces for a good thing

Thanks to the cooperation with Porsche Czech Republic (the exclusive agent of Volkswagen in the Czech Republic) Charitky could support a project called ‘Linka bezpečí ve vaší třídě’ (‘Safety Line in your class’) with 27.846CZK. The usage of the original promotional items for a car brand Volkswagen Golf brought a fund ...

A story about Johanka, new shoes and hope

All parents look forward to the day their child takes its first steps, says first words, dances and runs around happily... As well as a mother of Johanka, today eight-year old girl, did. This image disappeared when she heard from the doctors a horrible information: "Your daughter suffers from cerebral palsy."

Charitky ensured a support for other children

Four children from a program 'Podporuj mě...' ('Support me...') received thanks to the Charitky project and RWE Company a donation into their bank accounts.

Buřinka joined Charitky project

Stavební spořitelna České spořitelny, a.s., a bank number one on a building society market, belongs to one of the strongest banks on our market– Financial Group of Česká spořitelna.

The Charitky message is also giving forward by a travel agency Periscope

A travel agency PERISCOPE SKANDINÁVIE s.r.o. is a leader of Czech tour operators offering tours in Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Ireland and Scotland. Moreover, it provides private tours for individuals or groups and sells ferry tickets. The travel agency is on our market more than 20 years.

Pre-Christmas gift from Charitky

Another donation from the Charitky project aimed exactly where it is necessary. Four children from a program ‘Podporuj mě…’ (‘Support me…’) will receive on their accounts a financial support for an easier start to an independent life.

'Linka bezpečí' joined the Charitky project

Another non-profit organization started cooperation with the Charitky project. Services of crisis telephone line are provided on a toll-free telephone number 116 111 for 24 hours a day to children from all over The Czech Republic since 1994.

There were three Charites!

The name of our project is not derived from a word ‘charity,’ as it might be expected at first thought. Our source of inspiration were three daughters of Zeus : Aglaea, Euphrosyne and Thalia- together they were known as the Charites, the Gratiae in Latin. They personified grace, beauty and kindness to both gods and people.

A director of the Charitky project tells her story

Ing. Miriam Janyšková, the director of the Charitky project, provided her life story to a magazine ‘Rytmus života’. The story, among other things, explains how and why a though of a connection of sophisticated promotional item and help the needy occurred.

Charitky Project and Kapka naděje for ill children

A foundation fund Kapka naděje is another organisation involved in the Charitky project The support through Charitky always aims directly at a particular project for ill children. The intention is to alleviate an extraordinary life situation of children who suffer from hematologic disorders, cancer diseases or a condition treated ...

Charitky sent children from Plaváček a wind in sails

We were truly pleased to receive a thank-you letter from a non-profit organisation ‘Plaváček’ (you could find its whole version in Czech at the end of this article) This year, Charitky thanks to RWE Company and Inner Winner Institute donated to a number of talented childen included in a project of the non-profit organisation ...

RWE Company again used Charitky project for supporting children

Four children included in a project ‘Podporuj mě...’ (‘Support me...’) gained a financial support from RWE, the electricity and gas company, that through Charitky donated to an account of an association ‘Dejme dětem šanci’.

Thanks to Project Charitky Roman will have got an easier beginning of independent life

Family and its friendly environment are the most valuable treasures we can give our children. Most of the parents try their best to create for their children such a background in which they can develop and be happy. Parents’ aim is to ensure their kids grow up in peace and surrounded by their relatives, who would always help them ...

Charitky project responded on Eva’s request for help

Eva doesn’t have the good fortune to live and grow in a happy and prosperous family, because she is one of the children who were for different reasons placed in an orphanage. Eva is in the orphanage with her siblings. She is the eldest and that`s why she is used to take care of her younger siblings. In this case, she is really ...

There is no an advertisement as an advertisement

To show a company can manage more than just sell successfully, that it is capable to see further than the next economic results, that it is not just interested in an individual success –these are the trends of today's society. More and more companies endorse the corporate social responsibility and they are not afraid to admit they ...

Charitky project was also originally used by non-profit organizations

Not only companies but also non-profit organizations supported by Charitky project used mints or smarties to distinguish themselves from other non-profit organizations. Their presentation on Charitky item suits them well!

Tree other new companies give forward

Prague, July 31, 2012: Companies Widex Line, Pokorny & Partner and Orion Pharma joined other socially responsible companies which decided through the project Charitky to support the development and education of children.

Charitky helped Daniel to integrate in daily life

Prague, July 15, 2012: Every mother loves her child. First of all, she prepares for the delivery. Once the baby is born, every day is unique for her. She observes really closely how her little one grows, how it developes, every smile carresses her deeply. A similar story also experienced a mother of little Daniel. Daniel was ...

Charitky helped Bára- she is one step closer to a happier life

Prague, June 6, 2012: Bára is 11 years old and she didn’t heard her mother‘s voice until recently, as same as she wasn’t able to hear a flute, which she plays now. When she was 11, she obtained a hearing aid. Today, it is difficult to exactly say what went wrong and led to the impairment. Bára is a very clever girl, when ...

A new organization engaged in Charitky

Prague, June 25, 2012: A civil society organization (CSO) DEJME DĚTEM ŠANCI is another organization supporting the development of children which joined the Charitky project. Therefore, through Charitky you could help with the integration of children from orphanages to a normal self-dependent life.

A New client, who gives forward

Prague, June 14, 2012: AC Nielsen Czech Company is another socially responsible company which decided to support the children’s development via the Charitky project. It devoted 10 percent of the cost to a 7-years-old client of the charity association Dobrý skutek who suffers from cerebral palsy and needs a financial help for ...

A new organisation joining the Charitky project

Another organisation which decided to support the children’s development and join the Charitky project is civil society organisation DOBRÝ SKUTEK. There is just opening a great new way for you to do a good deed through Charitky!

Partners of the project Charitky

The mission of Charitky- Giving forward ... is already spread by 56 followers on Charitky’s Facebook profile and also by two honourable partners: an association Business and Professional Women and I would like to thank everybody, since it is really important for a good thing to be seen and heard.

They said about the project Charitky

Jindřich Tomas, the Chief Executive Officer of the non-profit organisation Plaváček. The NPO founded by Deana and Juraj Jakubisko supports talented and gifted children from socially disadvantaged families and orphanages.

Charitky on Facebook

Charitky invites you on Facebook! Look at our Facebook profile and pass on the mission of Charitky on

Press release

Prague, April 16, 2012- Let's join forces and make our children happy. Thanks to unique project Charitky there is a way opened to all. Charitky is here for Giving forward...